Free Practice for the Duolingo Test

The Dictation Task tests your ability to memorize and reproduce a given spoken sentence or short passage. You can listen to the recording 3 times and you should write what you hear on a box that will appear on your screen.

Here you will find 5 dictation tasks recorded by native speakers so you can practice at home. These are advanced listening exercises so they are a bit more difficult than regular Dictation Tasks from the DET. The answer key is located at the end of the post. If you are interested in some further practice, check the following posts: Dictation Items #1, Dictation Items #2, Dictation Items #3, Dictation Items #4, Dictation Items #5, Dictation Items #6, and New Dictation Tasks #2.

Finally, go check my YouTube channel Teacher Leda, where you’ll find some extra practice for the Duolingo English Test. There are video exercises and Full Tests for you to practice in the comfort of your home. Good Luck!

Dictation Task #31

Dictation Task #32

Dictation Task #33

Dictation Task #34

Dictation Task #35

Answer Key

  1. It was the wish of his father and mother that every day of his life should be a day of perfect happiness
  2. I am hardly prepared to decide that question, or even give an opinion regarding it
  3. Do you think everything they’ve done has been with the purpose of getting information out of you?
  4. Throughout this book, I’ve insisted the way to know the future is by studying the past
  5. In truth, the raw information funneled to us was transmitted as received after passing through our office