Free Practice for the Duolingo Test
Here you can find Full Duolingo Test videos (45′) that I created so you can practice for the Duolingo English Test for free. All the material in these videos is unique and original, and it has been made with the sole purpose of helping students practice for the DET.
Besides, you will also find video exercises on the different question types of the DET. All the listening exercises have been recorded by native speakers from different countries.
FYI, I will be uploading Duolingo test videos every week, with full tests and exercises so you can continue practicing and improving your performance.
For further practice, check Duolingo Test Free Practice – Exercises and Information, where you can find many exercises for free. Also, check Dictation Items for Duolingo, Dictation Items #2, Dictation Items #3, Dictation Items #4, Dictation Items #5, and Dictation Items #6.
Don’t forget to visit the Duolingo English Test Preparation Courses with the latest videos to prepare at home for your Duolingo English Test.